

簡喬倩(b.1984,香港) 2017年畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學/香港藝術學院藝術系。沉迷於精神分析研究,作品以自身經驗與人的精神狀態為主,窺探與回溯各種因果關係。


藍色是她近年的畫作主調,透過作品探索閾限的概念: 關注各種與異化或被遺忘有關的狀況,探討「存在」與「距離」之間的關係,意圖呈現游離於夢境與現實之間的微妙感覺、模糊一天中不同時間的邊界。同時強調時間的錯位,讓觀者「懸浮在一個既不完全是白天也不完全是黑夜的空間中」。


個展包括《of war, of love, of time》(Peter Augustus Gallery, 美國,2022)、《萬靈藥》(安全口畫廊,2021)及《啄眼的烏鴉》(CL3 Architects Limited, 2018)。參與聯展如《+1》(香港藝術中心, 2010)、《韌生》(大館,2021)、《愈‧夜舞》(2020)、《TAKE 1》(季豐軒,2019)⋯⋯等。


2023 Liminal Interval, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2022 of war, of love, of time, Peter Augustus Gallery, USA

2021 Panacea, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2019 This Bitter Earth, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2018 Peck-eyes Ravens, CL3 Architects Limited, Hong Kong Arts Centre



2023 Art Basel Hong Kong, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2023 In Wonderland, Touch Gallery, Hong Kong

2023 Sweeping Vistas, JPS Gallery, Hong Kong

2022 Gravity, Soluna Fine Art, Hong Kong

2022 Intersect Aspen, Peter Augustus Gallery, USA

2022 The Sunshine Is Still There, SC Gallery, Hong Kong

2022 Art Basel Hong Kong 2022, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong

2021 +1, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong

2021 So I say, “It’s a landscape painting.”, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre

2021 The Unsung, JC Contemporary, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong

2020 Hong Kong Spotlight by Art Basel, 1a space, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

2020 In the course of Dancing, from Nightfall to Darkness, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre

2019 TAKE 1 • Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Young Artists, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery

2019 By the Window, 1a space, Hong Kong

2018 An on-going balance of insecurity, GALLERY EXIT, Hong Kong

2018 Social Transformations, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre

2018 PROCESSING : on reading art, School Gallery (HKAS), Hong Kong Arts Centre

2017 Deep Silence, HKAS Alumni Network exhibition, Hong Kong Arts Centre

2017 Fresh Trend Art Graduations Joint Exhibition, chi K11 art space, Hong Kong

2017 NEXT+, Art Next Expo, PMQ Central, Hong Kong

2017 HKFOREWORD17, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong



2017 Fresh Trend Art Award, Fresh Trend Art Graduations Joint Exhibition

2016 Scholarship, Mr. Jerry Kwan Memorial

2016 Scholarship, Hong Kong Art School

2016 Scholarship, Talent Development

2016 Education Bureau, Hong Kong


無相 二 A void 2
Acrylic and coloured pencil on canvas
30 x 40 cm, 2022
USD $3,500


默謐 二十七 A rest 27
Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
80 x 100 cm, 2023
USD $9,000


無相 一 A void 1
Acrylic and coloured pencil on canvas
30 x 40 cm, 2022
USD $3,500
